Vitamins are a wonder of God’s creation – organic compounds which are essential for our normal physical growth and nutrition. Most people can get the vitamins they need by maintaining a healthy diet. B vitamins (there are eight of them) are particularly important; they help our bodies get or make energy from the food we

Time markers are unavoidable: Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and new years. We celebrate all of them, but when the party’s over, we’re reminded that life is short, and how we invest it is so important. The psalmist puts it this way: Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom

Few Christians today would debate the assessment that America is stuck in a moral and spiritual swamp. While politicians and ‘progressives’ market short-sighted solutions to all the world’s problems (which amount to little more than ‘a Band-Aid on a bullet wound’), the cancer of an atheistic, humanistic, materialistic worldview spreads. The ‘internal bleeding’ of our

I spent an hour on the phone today listening to a salesman peddling his wares – nothing bad; actually, he was offering us (the church) a deal on a dozen or more Christian video series on marriage, family, fathering, grief, finances, and other important topics. The videos are well-made, biblical, and applicable. In this cyber-age,

Phil Congdon, NBBC, October 4, 2017 This month we commence the second stage of our study through Genesis, the story of Yahweh and His dealings with Abraham. This fourteen-chapter narrative begins in Ur, a pagan city, and ends in Canaan, a land which God promises to Abram and his descendants. This begins a series of