May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Topic: Esau, faith, grace, Jacob, patience, power, prophecy, secular, success, unbelief, walk, wealth, works, world, worldly
Book: Genesis
Genesis 36 is a tiresome and seemingly useless list of Esau’s family tree…but it tells a story. Esau conquered the land of Edom; his sons and grandsons are prosperous and powerful. In contrast, Jacob is in Canaan, going nowhere. Why? What lessons are there for us here?
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
It’s Sunday, first day of the week – but not just any week: the week Jesus was crucified. More has been written about this week than any other in history. A third of the Gospels focuses on this week! This is the day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem…and a day of tears.
May 25, 2019
After spending the night in Bethany, Jesus and his disciples walked to Jerusalem each morning. Monday, Jesus cursed a fig tree without fruit, Tuesday, it was dead. In between, He chased business people out of the temple. What do these two episodes teach?
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Topic: betrayal, cross, crucifixion, death, disciple, Easter, Judas, Palm Sunday, passover, prophecy
With His death approaching, Jesus condemned the Jews, prophesied coming tribulation, and His triumphant return to earth. He foretold His crucifixion, and Judas secretly arranged with Jewish leaders to betray Him. Jesus sent His disciples to prepare for the Passover…
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Topic: betrayal, death, Easter, forgiveness, Good Friday, Israel, passover, reading plan, war
Darkness falls, beginning a very dark day. Passover points back to a historic event in Israel’s history, but tonight it will become a symbol of deliverance for all mankind. Israel’s Messiah is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! His words on the cross show it.
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Topic: ascension, body, Church Age, Heaven, Holy Spirit, hope, incarnation, intercession, Pentecost, resurrection, sin, victory
After Jesus’ resurrection, He was on earth for almost six weeks. He taught of His kingdom and told followers to stay in Jerusalem till the Holy Spirit came. Then He ascended up into the clouds, out of their sight. Is this important? Yes! What does the ascension teach us?
May 25, 2019
Whether we realize it or not, we all make spiritual decisions in life, and what we decide makes a big difference. This month at NBBC, we’ll focus on four decisions that can change the trajectory of our lives. The most critical of all is making a decision for Christ.
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Book: Luke
Last week we focused on the most fundamental spiritual decision a person can make, a decision for Christ, to believe in Him and trust Him every day. But the next step is one Jesus Himself calls each of us to make – to be a follower or disciple. This decision has a price.
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
If Friday was God’s ‘D-Day’ in the war against sin, Sunday was His ‘V-Day’ – victory over sin and death. ‘Resurrection Day’ was a day like no other before or since, and no one who knows the joy of what it achieved ever tires of hearing about it. Let’s revisit it today.
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Topic: encouragement, gospel, grace, gratefulness, legalism, license, works
Book: Colossians, Ephesians
Grace is at the heart of Christianity, yet too often it is missing from our Christian experience. Satan misrepresents and cheapens grace, and many believers have lost hold of it. But if you make a decision to choose grace, your life will be a shining witness for Christ.