Topic: wealth
June 6, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Book: 2 Corinthians, Luke, Matthew, Proverbs
It may seem crazy, but the best investment a Christian can make by far is to give of time, talent, and treasure to the Lord. To be a giver reflects the heart of Christ. Where your treasure is, there your heart is. Have you made a conscious decision to give to the Lord?
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Topic: Esau, faith, grace, Jacob, patience, power, prophecy, secular, success, unbelief, walk, wealth, works, world, worldly
Book: Genesis
Genesis 36 is a tiresome and seemingly useless list of Esau’s family tree…but it tells a story. Esau conquered the land of Edom; his sons and grandsons are prosperous and powerful. In contrast, Jacob is in Canaan, going nowhere. Why? What lessons are there for us here?