Topic: betrayal
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Topic: betrayal, cross, crucifixion, death, disciple, Easter, Judas, Palm Sunday, passover, prophecy
With His death approaching, Jesus condemned the Jews, prophesied coming tribulation, and His triumphant return to earth. He foretold His crucifixion, and Judas secretly arranged with Jewish leaders to betray Him. Jesus sent His disciples to prepare for the Passover…
May 25, 2019
Speaker: Phil Congdon
Topic: betrayal, death, Easter, forgiveness, Good Friday, Israel, passover, reading plan, war
Darkness falls, beginning a very dark day. Passover points back to a historic event in Israel’s history, but tonight it will become a symbol of deliverance for all mankind. Israel’s Messiah is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! His words on the cross show it.