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Book: 2 Thessalonians

  • November 17, 2020

    Speaker: Phil Congdon

    Topic: grace, peace

    Paul’s at the end of his letter to the Thessalonian Christians, but he has two final things to say. One is a warning, the other a wish. But together they reflect Paul’s overriding goal for them: Walk worthy!

  • November 9, 2020

    Speaker: Phil Congdon

    Topic: discipline, work

    Jesus is coming, but we don’t know when. An issue that came up in Thessalonica and still matters today, was ‘What do we do while we wait?’  Some decided to shift their lives into neutral and do nothing. Bad Idea. This is our time… time to work.

  • November 2, 2020

    Speaker: Phil Congdon

    Topic: end times, prayer

    The end is near, but difficult days lie ahead. Christians are suffering, and need encouragement. Paul requests prayer for the apostles, then expresses prayerful confidence that God will protect them in trying days. There is much here for us as we face these difficult last days.

  • October 26, 2020

    Speaker: Phil Congdon

    Topic: end times

    In 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Paul writes about a time of great evil and terrible judgment that is coming on the earth. All unbelievers who are alive will go through it. How should Christians respond to this truth? We learn this morning that we should stand firm, and take comfort.

  • October 19, 2020

    Speaker: Phil Congdon

    Topic: end times

    Are we living in the last days? The COVID pandemic, advances in technology, threats of war and famine, and a rise in lawlessness all remind us of biblical prophecies. But to keep us from getting ahead of ourselves, Paul ‘fills in the blanks’ on what happens first.

  • October 12, 2020

    Speaker: Phil Congdon

    Topic: judgment, rewards

    We hear a lot about ‘justice’ today, but the harder we try to achieve it, the more we fail! In a world shrouded in sin, Christians look for Jesus’ return. When He comes, His righteous judgment will render rewards and retribution to every person.

  • October 6, 2020

    One of the joys of parenthood is pride when our kids achieve great success. Paul’s ‘kids’ – believers in Christ in Thessalonica, were a source of pride to him: They stood strong despite persecution. And as a result, they would be ‘counted worthy of the kingdom of God.’