Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, December 2, 2015 Last week a man went on a shooting rampage at a Planned Parenthood Clinic in Colorado, killing three and wounding nine.  According to early reports, the gunman, Robert Dear, evidently told investigators “no more baby parts” after his arrest – possibly a reference to recent videos

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, November 30, 2015 Every year about this time the thoughts of every boy and girl – and some of us older ‘kids’ as well – turns to presents.  We enjoy the manger scenes, and the Christmas stories, but it’s hard to buck Madison Avenue…and eventually, we give in –

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, November 16, 2015 In a packed baseball stadium a few days after 9/11, a Christian minister stood to pray.  Ever since the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, politicians and celebrities had been presenting Islam as no different than Christianity, and God as no different than

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, November 4, 2015 I’ve just about had it with TV.  Regular programming that used to be free now costs every month, and what’s on the air is mostly ads!  In other words, I’m paying money to watch professional marketers tempt me to give them more of my money!  As

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, August 27, 2015 One ‘constant’ in church history is the appearance of religious leaders who pronounce the imminent end of the world.  Some sects, like the Watchtower Society (Jehovah’s Witnesses) and Seventh-Day Adventists, boldly predicted the return of Christ, then explained why nothing happened – and survive to this

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, August 27, 2015 Half of you are probably thinking right now, “Who?”  For all those non-sports-junkies out there, Arian Foster is a Pro Bowl running back for the Houston Texans.  He’s been injured, and had some off-field problems in recent years, but he’s still one of the top running

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, Aug 21, 2015 Early mornings are a precious time…for sleep!  Frankly, that’s my ‘default setting’ – I’m not a great morning person.  But I have found that a five mile walk-and-jog in the early morning is a wonderful way to start the day, both physically and spiritually.  As the

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, Aug 8, 2015 In a few hours, I will leave for a week in Oregon, the state in which I spent the first 20-some years of my life.  I always love visits to the Northwest: The natural beauty is stunning – snow-capped mountains, white-water rivers, rugged coastline, and everywhere

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, July 9, 2015 What does it mean to be a church?  Many Christians may be surprised to learn that God has a plan for the church – what constitutes a church, how it functions – and He has not left us without instructions.  In fact, the New Testament is very

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, June 28, 2015 Two days ago the Supreme Court of the United States decreed that any and all state laws against homosexual marriage are unconstitutional.  In layman’s terms, this pits the law of our land against the law of God.  By mandating this understanding, we in the church who uphold