Phil Congdon, NBBC, October 4, 2017 This month we commence the second stage of our study through Genesis, the story of Yahweh and His dealings with Abraham. This fourteen-chapter narrative begins in Ur, a pagan city, and ends in Canaan, a land which God promises to Abram and his descendants. This begins a series of

Phil Congdon, NBBC, October 4, 2017 It’s less than two days since a gunman opened fire on a crowd of thousands of concertgoers in Las Vegas, killing at least 59, and wounding hundreds more. The video of the scene is ghastly: The sound of gunfire is like something you’d expect to hear in a battle

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, March 2, 2017 During his address to the nation on February 28th, President Trump spoke of middle east affairs, specifically the problem of Islamic terrorism, and declared his intention to “demolish and destroy ISIS.”  He then briefly added that he had “reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, February 2, 2017 From February through May this year, we’re exploring the first eleven chapters of Genesis, God’s revelation of Himself in creation and the events which followed.  Today, many view Genesis 1-11 as myths – religious stories with little or no real historical truth.  We do not.  The

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, January 3, 2017 Eight years ago, I wrote an article in this space entitled How Should We Pray for Obama?  At the time, many Christians were feeling uneasy about the incoming president.  Indeed, some of his first acts as president – expanding funding of abortion internationally, enshrining homosexuality in the

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, November 9, 2016 With millions of other Americans, I watched in something approaching shock as Donald Trump was elected president of the United States on November 8th.  Pollsters were so wrong in their predictions, and supporters of Clinton so sure of victory (including the vast majority of the news

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, July 1, 2016 The so-called ‘Great Commission’ of Jesus is most memorably recorded at the end of Matthew’s Gospel (Matt. 28.18-20).  These timeless words summarize the task our Savior entrusted to all His followers.  As my son Joseph and I prepare to leave for Ghana, I am reminded of

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, May 14, 2016 Some sections of Scripture reveal more about our world today – the ‘end times’ – than others. While many of the Old Testament prophetic books contain apocalyptic glimpses, sections of Daniel (especially chapters 7-12), Jesus’ Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24-25), and, of course, the Book of Revelation

Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, March 4, 2016 Tuesday, March 1st.  ‘Super Tuesday’!  Millions of dollars were spent leading up to it, with candidates touting their qualities, and trying to outdo each other with promises on how they would fix all our problems, and give us everything we want for free!  Honestly, it reminded

 Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, December 23, 2015 Airports are great places to observe humanity.  In the arrival area you see expectant faces, people holding signs, children craning their necks, parents waiting to hug sons or daughters or grandchildren who they haven’t seen in too long. But ride the escalator and walk a few