Phil Congdon, New Braunfels Bible Church, November 4, 2015
I’ve just about had it with TV. Regular programming that used to be free now costs every month, and what’s on the air is mostly ads! In other words, I’m paying money to watch professional marketers tempt me to give them more of my money! As if that’s not enough, there are half-hour long “shows” offering everything from CD sets to jewelry to weight-loss programs to kitchen appliances that make you think you simply ‘can’t live’ without what they’re offering! This can be dangerous to your bank balance!
So this month, I’m giving you an ‘infomercial’ with a difference. I’m not asking you for money. What I offer is absolutely free. And I can say, without ‘stretching the truth,’ that you will never be sorry, either in time or in eternity, that you ‘invested’ in this. I’m talking about the adult Sunday morning classes offered at NBBC.
Let me start with ‘old faithful’ – the Adult Bible Class, which has met since virtually the beginning of NBBC. Over the years, different godly men have taught, sometimes topically, sometimes going through Bible books. Last year, Ron First led a study of Jewish Feasts and their significance for Christians today. Clarke Englund is now teaching through 2 Corinthians. The class meets in Room 101, with the sliding glass doors.
Another class which is a favorite for many women is taught by Renee Garner. You know Renee for her musical abilities – she is a singer-songwriter with four CDs, but she’s also a teacher-extraordinaire, especially clarifying biblical teaching about grace. Her class is often referred to as the Women’s Class, but some men have dared to attend! Renee is now teaching on the parables of Jesus. Her class meets in Room 109, next to the kitchen.
A third adult class meets in Room 100 (at the end of the hall, near the restrooms), and is taught by Robert Ambs (who just became an elder) and Daniel Mitchell (who is a deacon). Both these men are committed to grace and truth, and are leading a study of the Gospel of Luke. What do you really know about the life of Jesus Christ? Attend this class and you’ll get to know Him better!
A fourth class meets in the Library, and is geared toward married couples. Called “The Homebuilders’ Class” (from a series of studies produced by FamilyLife ministries), it tackles subjects that are applicable to married couples raising a family. Dustyn and Novie Tysdale facilitate the class. If you’d like to focus on God’s plan for your marriage and family, try out this class!
Finally, every other month (or so), we offer a “Welcome Class” in the ‘Round Room’ located just off of the main entry foyer. This class last just four weeks, during which we get to know each other, learn about the history of NBBC and its ‘DNA’ (why we do what we do!), review the church’s statement of beliefs, and talk about spiritual gifts and ministry opportunities in the church. All newcomers are welcome!
Yeah, I know…another ‘infomercial’! But this one is all about you and me growing as Christians into the kind of people God wants us to be. We’ve all got 168 hours each week. Every Sunday morning from 9:00-10:00, you can invest one in learning truth that will change your life! See you there!
Phil Congdon
Senior Pastor
MelRae Ambs