Old Testament prophecy is filled with references to “that day” – a ‘shorthand’ way the prophets referred to the coming time when God will write the final chapter in the history of this fallen world. The prophecies include details of great judgment and wrath (Amos 5.18-20; Isaiah 13.6-13; Zephaniah 1.14-15), and wonderful blessing and joy
A couple of months ago we all watched the news with amusement as reports of a virus in a city in China called Wuhan first surfaced. It was half a world away, and while it might be wreaking havoc there, we were safe. How wrong we were. The invisible (to the naked eye) virus has
Enemy-occupied territory – that is what this world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed, you might say in disguise, and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage. When you go to church you are really listening-in to the secret wireless from our friends: that is why
Recently, I came across some suggestions – words to live by – written by Clyde Kilby. Kilby was a professor of English at Wheaton College for more than 45 years, and authored The Christian World of C. S. Lewis, regarded as one of the best introductions to Lewis’s writings. Like Lewis, Kilby cut through the
Foreword by Chris Tomlin Chris Tomlin heartily endorses Francis Chan as one who “leaves you wanting more of Jesus” and “a man with great vision and resolve for the mission of Jesus.” Tomlin calls him a person “who believes that God is really who He says He is and that the true reality of this
About fifteen years ago, my vision began to change. After having perfect “20/20” vision (or better) all my life, I discovered ‘my arms started getting shorter’ – I had to hold books a little further away for the print to come into focus. After a couple of years, I would put a book on the
Recently, a university student emailed me with a question about sin. What had happened is this: A man came on the university campus where she attended, and began shouting at students that their sins are not equal in God’s sight, and that some of their sins would keep them from heaven. She was angry at
November has always been one of my favorite months of the year. When I was young, it was probably the anticipation of Christmas coming in just one month, but in the last couple of decades, Thanksgiving has become my favorite holiday. Giving thanks is such a joyful activity: It causes us to focus on
Few Christians today would debate the assessment that America is stuck in a moral and spiritual swamp. While politicians and ‘progressives’ market short-sighted solutions to all the world’s problems (which amount to little more than ‘a Band-Aid on a bullet wound’), the cancer of an atheistic, humanistic, materialistic worldview spreads. The ‘internal bleeding’ of our
For Christians who enjoy satire like I do, our ‘sanctified humor’ used to come from The Wittenberg Door, a rag that faithfully exposed unscrupulous ‘Christian’ leaders and movements from 1971 to 2008. The Babylon Bee has taken that place today, and routinely exposes theological fads and church cads. Not surprisingly, one of their regular targets